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OPR (One Page Report) 양식_New Product Idea 용

[ Title : Idea  제목을 적어주세요 ]


○ Category

  : Social, Entertainment, utility, etc (제안하는 product 의 카테고리는 무엇인가요?)


○ Key Concept

 :  Product Description / Max 200 byte (What is a single strong selling point of this Product ?)

  제안의 Concept이 들어가도록 핵심 단어로 요약해 주세요 (추상적 표현은 삼가 해 주세요)


○ CVP (Customer Value Proposition)

 : 타겟고객은 누구이고 그들에게 어떤 가치를 제공해 주는 것인가요? (누구나 이해할 수 있도록 쉽고 간결하게 작성)     

  ‘OO고객에게, OO가치를, OO방법으로, OO채널을 통해, OO하게 전달/제공한다' 같이 Story telling 방식으로 작성


 : Target customer + Distribution channel + Customer relationship

 : An offering that helps customers more effectively, reliably, conveniently, or affordably solve an important problem   

  (or satisfy a job-to-be-done) at a given price

 : Who is target customer?

 : What is ‘important problem / pain point / core needs’? if nothing, how to offer fun and entertainment ?

 : What is job-to-be-done? : How to offer it ?

 : What is the Key differentiation ?


○ Key Resources & Processes

: 사업 추진을 위해서 필요한 핵심자원은 무엇인가요? (기술,인력, 비즈니스파트너쉽, 콘텐츠,마케팅전략 등)


: Core Capabilities + Partner network + Value Configuration

: Key Resources are the unique people, technology, products, facilities, equipment, funding, information, channel,   

 Partnerships / alliances and brand required to deliver the value proposition to the customer.

: Key Processes are the means by which a company delivers on the customer value proposition

 in a sustainable, repeatable, scalable, and manageable way

     → design, product development, sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, hiring and training


○ Profit Fomula

 : 사업 추진을 필요한 예산은 얼마이며, 수익구조가 어떻게 되나요?


 : Cost Structure + Revenue Streams

 : The economic blueprint that defines how this App will create value for itself and its shareholders.

   It specifies the assets and fixed cost structure, as well as the margins and velocity required to cover them.

    * Target unit margin : How much each transaction should net to cover overhead and achieve desired profit levels

   * Resource velocity : How quickly resources need to be used to support target volume. Includes lead time,   

   throughput, inventory turns, asset utilization, etc.


○ Market & Competitor analysis

 : 제안 Idea와 유사한 상품/서비스가 있나요?

  있다면 경쟁상품 현황은 어떠하고, 경쟁 상품 대비 차별화 요소는 무엇인가요?


 : What is existing similar apps or service? If yes, what is the point of differentiation from others ?


○ Visual Explanation about  Key Service Feature (필요한 경우에 추가 가능)

 : 핵심적인 서비스화면이나 기능을 UI / UX / 그림 등으로 표현해 주세요

 : Key SVC Features ( Screen : main/home page, featuring 1,2,3.. , Key function etc)




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